OK... yea this took me so long to get round to but it's been a really messy last few weeks. I have been hunting down new apartments, going on awesome trips and really struggling to stay on top of all the work! Term 1 was a walk in the park compared to this term XD
So its like week 5 now... well half way through week 5 yikes that went by really fast! So here is a huge update of the last few weeks, enjoy!
For this week we had to take a pose from class and redesign the costume to fit 3 different genres of entertainment. Our model from class was dressed as a cave woman so we all had to adapt that character to fit 3 different stories. I went with Horror, Action/adventure and Comedy... hope it's obvious which ones are which... :p
Anatomy homework, as you can see here there are a lot of talented gnomies to compete with ouch!
Rendering is certainly not one of my strengths but I am slowly starting to get a grip with it. I think this is probably one of the coolest figure drawings I have done. I thought I could make it easier on myself by choosing a pose that covered the face but this one had so much ambiguity that it actually wound up way harder :p
Anatomy is getting a little tricky now that we are studying skeletons but I had a lot of fun working on this assignment. We had to chose a pose, render out the figure and then, using an overlay, map out the internal skeleton.
We are working on the Midterm for anatomy now. We have to choose or design an image of 5 or more characters interacting with each other. I have had these images as desktop backgrounds for ages so while I was musing as to what to choose I closed google chrome and this background was on my desktop so I was like oh... yea lets do that!
I found a really good free skeleton rig on Creative Crash which I used to make some mock up pose to see what the skeletons are actually doing. I switched out Graves (bottom right) with a Ryze pose from a different image since Graves's gun was covering so much of his body it was really hard to figure out exactly what the skeleton was doing. Next stage is to sketch it all in on the Biggie pad like Perspective class last term... wish me luck!
Week 3 Viscom and we are back to chalk. This time I had way more fun than the first time when we were just rendering primitives. Each shape does take quite a lot of time though unfortunately so this may not look like a whole lot but it really wasn't easy :p
I also had to do two digital pages. I tried out Lazy Nezumi and now I am hooked!! speeds up everything so much!
After our chalk week we moved back to prismacolor and ink pen. This was way more fun I really enjoyed creating ships, robot arms, random things :) I like the sketchy look but also just how quickly you can get something, not necessarily beautiful but readable.
This week our assignment was to do a single image in Photoshop that looks like a pen and marker image. In keeping with my VI theme this term I designed a couple of bad-a** gauntlets!
My first Art History assignment. We had to recreate a piece from the Renaissance themed around our given animal. I went for a Da Vinci anatomy study of a werewolf! I even did it on stained paper so it even feels kina old!
I didn't take any good photos of my armature with no clay on so here are a few comps of me building up my VI sculpture over 2 weeks. So the above image is the closest look at the skeleton underneath all the clay.
This was my character for the first week of clay sculpting. We had to block out the rib cage and pelvis then add a little clay to the arms and legs. After the class John left us with a new theory on how to sculpt by focusing on two simple things. The silhouette and individual curves. It doesn't sound like much but by keeping those two things in mind I feel like I am seeing a lot of things differently!
This is VI after the second week of sculpting. We are mostly looking at the silhouette of each of the body parts. I really like this approach because it is correcting one of the big flaws with my previous digital sculptures. In my previous work I think I nailed the muscular form but the connection and overall feel of the figure was weak. This approach ensures a dynamic an coherent sculpture from every angle. I think we will be going in and detailing the muscles later but if you have a working silhouette your foundation is strong!
Graphic design is getting more fun too. Our first few assignments were mostly to reinforce some of the graphic design perceptive techniques. They were very helpful but at the same time not to exciting to look at. But this homework was fun! We had to create an illustrator style portrait of a human character using around 3-5 colors and only the pen tool. It took quite a while but I do like the finished look.
Our assignment for this week was to take a memorable quote and create a poster using the typography theory we covered in class.
This term is hitting quite hard, we are starting to loose it a bit so yay for temp tattoos from Pam's office!! here's the Gnomon Spidey gang!!
OMG! The animation club organised a trip to Blizzard!!!!! It was so cool! I couldn't take many pictures or really talk about anything I saw at Blizzard but it was an incredible day! I was being very well behaved but in my mind I was going a little crazy. We got to see the animation department for Heroes of the Storm and we got a tour round the Blizzard Animation department too. The highlight for me though was the super cute Jackalope in the library! I want one!!
So it's a bit of a long story but I had to move out of my old apartment with very little notice and look for somewhere new.. I had to couch surf for a bit and I really appreciate everyone who helped me out! Thanks guys love u all lots!! But now I am settled in my new place which is so awesome!! and way way way way way cleaner than the last place so yay for that too!