These last few months have been a little difficult. I have been and still am waiting for my work permit to be processed. The waiting times are crazy long but I am hopeful that soon enough I will get a chance to finally join the Games Industry :D yay!
In the mean time to stay sane I have been doing lots of mini projects as well as taking my free class at Gnomon. I opted into texturing and shading 4 which is a class specifically in using the finer points of Mari and Vray. Two programs I am either very unfamiliar with or just plain rusty. I wanted to take a class focused on the film track so I could get a glimpse into how the other students who focused on the rendering pipeline produce their beautiful projects. Hopefully once I have completed this class I will have a notion of how I could push my work much further and then adapt that teaching into a games pipeline.
In the middle of the term I was asked to completed a couple of art tests but unfortunately I can't post any of the work I did online :( Still I am very happy with what I was able to put together and it really made me appreciate everything I have learned at Gnomon and how far I have come in only 3 years!
I have also been testing out my 3D printer :D which has been a mix of maddening errors and finally some awesome successes!! I had to replace a few parts and experiment with the process of converting a model from a Zbrush sculpt to a printable 3D format. Here is my first original piece! I wanted to create some ancient Chinese currency based on some really cool antique photos. Most of the pieces I was trying to print had a lot of issues but this larger scale piece finally came out pretty well :D I am going to try to print the smaller pieces after I finish my next project which I'll talk about on the next post.
I also managed to finish my Stormcast Eternals army, looking forward to playing a few games with these guys in the future!
I really like the look of this army, especially the general. I
usually collect the more evil, horde armies so its quite a change to move
onto a small elite and benevolent order. Still it's different to lay out the
entire army, in their golden brilliance and have them only take up a small portion of my table
instead of the whole thing :p

Lastly I have been developing an IOS game. I have had a bunch of Games Design Documents sitting in my Google Drive since I started at the NFTS back in 2014. It actually feels really nice to dig up some of the old ideas and give one a try. I have most of the Blueprinting all working now and after a few rough days of trying to figure out the rather complicated way of getting the game out of my computer I now have my greybox level on my phone!!!!! It probably sounds silly but it feels so cool to get that to work!! I am moving onto doing some of the art now :D I hope I can get far enough with this over the next few months while I wait to get permission to work!
Here is the first of many props for the game! more to come in the next post!