Monday, 18 January 2016

Week 1 Done!

Wow this was an intense first week! and I know that its actually like the easiest week in the next 3 years :p still it was a tonne of fun!
So I have had the intro lesson for all but one of my classes and they have all been amazing.  Viscoms was a lot like the basic perspective exercises I did at UWE when I studied architecture so it was kinda familiar territory.  Part of the homework however was to draw some boxes free-hand on top of a grid and man my free hand skills have all but dissipated :p I had a small paper bin full of failed attempts before I finally settled on 5 pages I liked.
Figure drawing was fun too, I think I spent most of my time this week working through the gestures and then rattled off the hands feet and master copy in the last couple days.  The master copies were way harder than I thought they were going to be! I guess I am just not that good at the static orthographic poses. But I wound up drawing the given poses about 5 times each so by the end I had something passable :p
Photoshop class was nice and simple and the homework was actually a lot of fun! We had to design 5 Facebook banners any way we wanted.  
Art history was nice too since it was mostly discussion based rather than essay writing.  Each of us were given a time period to research and develop into a project by week 10.  I got Gothic which is awesome! plenty of cool things to look into for that.
Lastly on Wednesday our entire term all got together and had a lecture from the Head of the school! which was very inspiring and at the same time a little sobering!
Each of us also had to go up on stage and say a little about where we came from and why we are here.  I have met some really cool people at the school and it was crazy to hear how many of us have almost the exact same stories!
anyway that's enough text how about some cool pics :P

Fist off my 5 facebook banners!

Vis Coms (All the boxes!)

And lastly we have some figure drawing from this week

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