Just a quick post to catch back up, Finals is in full swing here with 2 weeks left to do 6 paintings 1 sculpture and a presentation :p
These are some of the preliminary sketches for what direction I want to take my creature in. For the final I have to design two separate creatures that both fit the above description. I am thinking of going with the far right and far left of the bottom sketches. I will probably tweak these designs a little and push them to fit the description better.
For the official midterm I had to finish 5 renders. I chose to take a few of my previous designs and fix them based on the class feedback and then try to polish them a little more. I am pretty happy with the design work in both the hatchback and the sports car but the tank is by far my favorite!
More development on my Digital Painting midterm. Not a whole lot more to do to finish this painting off. I will probably add some more textural detail to the highlighted elements in this painting and maybe try to push the vines to be a little more 'viney'
The other part of this weeks assignment was to develop some thumbnails for the final painting. I am going with the end of the Blue Light story where the protagonist summons the mannequin to exact his revenge on the king and royal guard. I am tweaking the story to push the sense of danger here so rather than summon a little dwarf character I want my protagonist to summon a deadly golem. Either as a large muscly looking creature or a nimble deadly one. Lastly I really want to have all three characters in the composition the knight, king and golem. I think the best comp for this is probably the top left but we will see.
I polished up my midterm for Environment, I went with the dining scene for my infrastructure but I decided to add a little more gross to it with the strange warpstone infused goo being served to the Skaven yum!
Sculpture and film history have been going well too, I am going with Requiem for a Dream as my final presentation and since my midterm paper on Donnie Darko went so well I will probably stick the the same formula. In sculpture the torso sculpt is coming along, the initial block in was tricky but from there the rest is much easier. Hopefully I will remember to take a photo of it soon for the next post.
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