Monday, 13 February 2017


Half way through the term :) hard to believe I am already half way done with Term 5! I am feeling it for sure but this time next term I will be committing to a track :D that's kinda exciting and scary at the same time.

For Digital Painting I started on the first of my 2 final pieces.  They are both from one of the Japanese origin myths involving Izanami and Izanagi.  My first piece is Izanagi's dangerous decent into Yomi to rescue Izanami my second piece will focus on Izanami's terrible reveal!  So far we are just up to thumb-nailing but by next week I have to have a decent thumbnail taken all the way to color and lighting XP.  I think I can handle it but I am trying to do a painting in the style of the Riot splash art pieces which is a lot harder than I thought.  Thankfully this is something my teacher is also interested in so I am getting a lot of great advice :) Hopefully I will be able to make an awesome piece... we will see.
Intro to compositing was a little boring this week.  We were all given the same clip to roto, a very valuable skill but not the most exciting thing to do.  I added a little flare by expanding on the story of the scene a little.  What we were asked to deliver was a live action cut of red riding hood walking across the frame and gaining some strange glowing orb power... I thought there was an important character missing from the scene, obviously the wolf so I found a Skyrim cut out wolf in my hasty image search and just ran with it :p

Intro to Maya is still chugging away I have my whole scene modeled out and I have started blocking out my final.  We are going over lighting in class so hopefully I will have a tasty render for next weeks post :)

Advanced Character was a lot of fun this week! We moved onto game characters, each of which had to involve some kind of shooting mechanic.  I like the central one myself but developing each characters look and story was a lot of fun.  Subsequently I started watching Steven Universe recently (now a big fan!) so maybe subconsciously there was a little influence from Garnet in my design...

For Texturing and Shading we are still working with BB8 but this time we actually got to play with painting the UV's and baking out AO maps in Vray.  It was a pretty fun assignment and getting that extra level of control is always fun! The more we progress with Vray the more creative avenues seem to open up! Next week we start on our finals :D Matt is giving us a bunch of models we can render I am thinking of going with this really cool looking spaceship if I get the all clear ill post a pic next week.

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