Monday, 18 July 2016

Term 3 Week 1

So here goes another term.  For Term 3 I have:
Product design, Character Design, Storyboarding, Zoology, Design History and Color Theory

The first week was pretty light since Product Design and Design History both got cancelled.  That was super lucky for me since I flew back to LA on the Monday and arrived just in time for my first Character Design class but totally would have missed Product Design had it not been cancelled.  We also didn't get any Zoology homework and the Color Theory and Storyboarding homework was pretty light phew.
This is pretty lucky again though because for Character Design our homework was to draw 120 Silhouettes divided up into 4 categories which took literally all week! Here are the categories: 

Pokemon!! (in honor of Pokemon Go) 
and general Sci-Fi

Our teacher for this class is pretty awesome! and he brought rice crispy squares to class so yay! Looking forward to my next class tomorrow!
I haven't had time to work on any other homework yet this week so I hope the Character design homework cools down in the future weeks! XP
The rest of the classes were pretty simple just basic introductions but I can tell that color theory is going to be a lot of fun and Story Boarding is gonna be awesome.
Story boarding with Francis was really cool! we watched 'The Wrong Trousers' in class to analyse story telling!

Outside of school I have been taking walking breaks to catch Pokemon!  Which feel much better than my sitting on the sofa breaks from the previous terms.  I have also started drinking green smoothies and cooking more so hopefully this is a start to being a little more healthy at Gnomon!

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