Monday, 25 July 2016

Week 2: Crunchy already

This week started off pretty chill but when the Product Design and Character Design hit they hit really hard!  I just about managed to stay on top of it all this week but I had trouble getting to the gym or cooking regularly again :p hopefully Week 3 will be better.

This was extra credit work based on the homework from the other storyboarding teacher.  I saw the other class working on this last week and it looked like a lot of fun.  I picked one of my favorite League of Legends cinematics to do the master copy from.  April mentioned this was a good practice waaaay back in term 1 and I'm really happy I found some time to try it out.

This was my actual homework for Storyboarding.  The brief is to design a story based around the title 'My Pet Wants My Dinner'.  At this stage we are just designing the room for the story to take place in and the pet character.  I am going for a story revolving around a guy cooking a nice meal for his date who he didn't realize is a vegetarian.  This next weeks homework is to do 20 panels to explore the story.

For Zoology we took a trip to the La Brea Tar Pits.  It was a pretty cool museum and Andrea gave us a really in depth break down of horse anatomy.  After that we were sent around the museum to complete 5+ pages of sketches.  This one was my favorite.

Prop Design this week was pretty intense.  We all had to do 4 pages of prop sketches and then render 3 per page, then come up with a story for our future projects this term and if that wasn't enough we also had to gather a lot of reference to explore prop form and function through film, TV and games.

Finally for Character Design we have moved on from silhouettes onto caricatures.  I think I am just about grasping the idea behind this but its a lot trickier than I thought.  The second part of this assignment was to design another 24 characters but this time from imagination.  I am about half way through that with only a few hours to hand it in :p here goes!

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