Quite a fun week this time from animals being brought into class to draw, to fun character and prop design homework and a trip to see a bunch of horses. I didn't manage to get a whole lot of sleep though there was plenty of work to get done!
Character homework: We started looking into character motivation by researching the 12 character archetypes. Archetypes like the Outlaw, Innocent, Adventurer etc. Our homework was to do 4 of each archetype 2 normal and 2 shadow. Shadow archetypes are characters who have been driven into danger because of their motivations. For example a shadow adventurer is a character who can never settle down and has to constantly move from place to place, kind of like Dr Who.
These are my shadow characters! I had a lot of fun with this project. I am really enjoying character design this term
This is one of the horses from our Zoology field trip she was giant and totally wanted everyone's attention while we were drawing .
I found a few extra minutes to make some fun snacks this week too! Avocado filled rice balls shaped like pandas! Yum!
Color theory homework, mixing colors.
More Color theory homework, my sketch is now on my board and its all been OK'd and ready for painting when we start!
I have been taking a couple of extra figure drawing classes just to stop from getting rusty :) don't know how but I think I have actually improved by taking some time off from the usual amount I have been drawing in the past. Just a little though.
The model didn't show up this week though so Van decided to model for us while we did our head studies.
Our story boarding assignment was to design a single frame in which a character is using a performance as a distraction while they steal from the audience.
This was really quite useful since we all had plenty of time to think about composition and story telling through a single frame.
For product design we had to develop one of our three ideas from last week and get it ready to finalize for next week. I went with the message in a bottle crossbow but I developed it to be a little more robust than the original idea. I also looked into how each of the parts could collapse and feel a little more uniformed. Next week I will be drawing the beauty usage and detail shots for this prop! yay!
To get to the final design for this week I had to do a bunch of development, experiment pages. You can see from these pages exactly where the final design came from. I like to iterate this way, not having to worry about rendering or perspective since I can think in 3D quite well I can just use these 2D orthographic views to experiment with form and function.
Lastly this was the only picture I could get of the super cute blonde bunny Danny from the last post. We weren't allowed to take photo in class but I managed to get a pic while he was being packed away. bye!
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