Wednesday, 20 May 2015


So its been a while since I last posted and I thought it would be a good time to do a general update on how my Environment and Character modeling courses are going.

So above we have a very cool (imho) looking gun for my pirate character.  I have been finding myself with a little free time after completing my Zbrush sculpting homework for this course so I thought I would get on top of modeling some of the hard surface props she is going to have by the end.  :)  I approached this model in a slightly different way, by building each of the components piece by piece I was able to keep the very refined detail without running excess loops all around the model.  I think if this was going to go into a game engine I would have to retopoligise the mesh but I am planning to do that anyway after I have sculpted in the ornamental detail you can just about see from the concept art behind (not mine from Pintrest)

This is the first stage of my block out for my environment modeling final.  I found a great piece of concept art from Feng Zhu's website check it out there is so much amazing work on display there!  The camera angle was soooo hard, Jen gave me some help but in the end the shot cam has a FOV of like 12 (normal camera is 35) that's very fish eye lens.  I finally got the camera to look right and the rest was pretty easy :) Looking forward to starting the next stage tomorrow

Lastly this is the most recent version of my female sculpt.  Sculpting in the muscle definition was very easy when the underling topology is already there but Jen and I took a trip to the V&A in London just to check out some nice sculpture to help out.  I was previously having a little trouble with the forearm muscles (those things are twisty!!) but after the trip and getting to see some beautiful Greek mythological sculpture I think I got a better grasp of how it all works. Next stage is to sculpt in some skin pore and wrinkle detail and then apply that to the base mesh in Maya with displacement mapping.  Kevin also taught us how to set up a very cool shader that allows for variation in displacement or bump detail.  The example he gave resulted in his human male sculpt being able to animate between smooth skin and bulging veins!! it might sound a little complex if you have never done this before but seeing it in action was so cool!! cant wait to try it out for myself!

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