OK I have no idea why but this week has been waaaaay harder than anything week 1-3 threw at me! I had to work the entire weekend just to stay on top of the homework. Maybe its because we started getting real Perspective assignments but everything felt a little harder this week. Not in a bad way mind you in a sort of.... long distance run kinda way. Simply put it felt challenging and I do like a good challenge :)
Figure drawing this week kinda has me feeling a little hmf! For some reason I think I have tipped the scale and all the new stuff we are learning about fleshing out forms etc has actually pushed out some of my previous gesture work :p I talked to April and she has prescribed me some Glen Keane master copies to get me back in the swing of it. So you will hopefully see some cool Little Mermaid, Tarzan or Tangled master copies next post :D
On the right I did manage to do some extra master copy homework from Charles Bargue and Andrew Loomis which helped a lot but I did them after I did the rest of the work which was a little dumb....
Mid week a bunch of us tried out this great Colombian restaurant! the food was amazing and the portion size was huge! I got to try real Empanadas which were quite different from the recipe I made mine from. Thanks Angela and Dan for taking us out :)
First real Perspective homework we got to choose between designing the room of either:
A 13 year old girl who just happens to be a serial killer
A pothead clown
or a priest who is obsessed with taxidermy.
As I hope you can see I went with the serial killer. I added a few satirical elements like a poster of Trump, and implied that the little girl managed to order a high powered sniper rifle from Amazon :p I also added a bunny... because I'm me :p Some other people in class came up with some awesome concepts and filled their rooms with lots of cool little things. It was pretty inspiring and I did a little bit of a redesign after I saw some of their work. I am really enjoying getting to know some of the guys in my term they are all really fun interesting people and like minded too its really nice to bring up an obscure movie or band and have like 2-5 other people be like oh yea I know that! :)
This weeks viscom was fun but veeeeeery time consuming! We had to render 16 primitives using verithin Prismacolors and then using chalk or charcoal blow up the best of each into what you see in the image above. The principle was quite simple but the amount of stuff you need to pull it off is a little nuts! Im happy with the result especially the cone :) but no time to go wacky and do something extra fun this week :*(
For Art History we had to design 3-6 thumbnails for our finals and submit them for peer review. The images above pretty much explain what I'm doing so if ur interested give it a quick read if not lets move on to the final assignment Photoshop homework.
So this week for Photoshop we are looking through Adobe Bridge, Adobe Camera Raw and a little bit of extra tweaking in PS. We have a library of about 16 or so photos and we have to pick 6 and tweak them to enhance the mood of the piece. You can see the original above and below my tweaked image. I only included one of the 6 but you get the idea. I don't seem to have any problem creating nice...ish looking pics when I shift the temp down towards the blue spectrum but I cant seem to make anything look cool in the reds.... I'll have to work on that in the future I guess.
Gym wise I am chugging along and seeing some nice improvements in strength which is always a good thing :) Though I met with my awesome personal trainer Kent again today who put me through the wringer! After a pretty intense session we ended with a weighted rope exercise where you have to make a standing wave with this pretty heavy rope. Sounds easy but by the last set I was about ready to collapse! Then I had to head to Gnomon and do 3 hours of figure drawing holding my arm up :p I am really enjoying going to the gym though, having a little break from work in the middle of the day helps put things in perspective and really helps me problem solve too.
Anyway sorry this post was a day late, crazy weekend and all. Tomorrow we have a field trip to the Getty museum yay!
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