Monday, 22 February 2016

Week 6 Over half way now

OK I'm a little tired so I don't think I can do a whole run down of this week.  It's all starting to blend together a little I really can't believe I'm going into week 7!!!! when did that happen! Anyway onto the photos :D

The Sketchaton lives on! we had a slightly larger group this time but due to rain (first time I've actually seen real rain in LA) we had to move into the Drawing Lab.  The 3 words this week were Cat, Sports Coach and Dreams!  We all had a lot of fun and this time Ray (Bottom right) won the honor of having her artwork as the main page for Sketchaton week 3!

Straight after we had a great presentation from Devon Fay.  He told us some cool stories of his time working at Blizzard and working on the Call of Duty titles! It was really cool seeing him in person having taken his online Environment Modeling course waaaay back in 2015. A group of us talked with him on the balcony with the rain poring down outside. It was a pretty cool visit! and it had me thinking of all the fun year 2 and 3 are going to be! really looking forward to getting back to 3D with all my new 2D skillz! 8D 
Figure drawing is going well this week.  I am getting a little better at doing heads and shading (viscom is helping there too).  I took Silvas class in which we covered head drawing in a slightly different way.  Again combining Silva's and April's approach seems to work really well for me.  This week my homework for April's class was to do the usual Bargue studies, do some longer pose drawings but also as an extra curricular project just sit and think about how to approach figure drawing.  The aim behind this last thing is to start to understand how my mind works and think about how I can make figure drawing work for me.  I've never really thought about it before but I had a few late nights just lying in bed and thinking.... not sure I have it figured out yet but it was a very trippy exercise I recommend it for anyone trying to mix up their approach or style a bit.  We will see if it works this week.
In Viscom we are moving onto mid-terms.  Our project is to design a character using the primitive shapes.  This weeks homework however was to take our primitives, with plotted shadows and value etc and add a highlight ribbon or small inset and try to see how this effects the rendering technique.  We have formed a kind of Viscom Anonymous group, we meet on Saturdays and try to crank out as much work as we can.  It's nice having the support and people to bounce ideas off.  Still it doesn't seem to stop the homework taking around 9-10 hours :p
Photoshop homework this week was kinda easy.  We had to add a little creature to our zombie character.  I was going to go with dragon but I kinda ran out of time so he will have to settle for his friendly lizard pet instead :)
OK so here is what took me the most time this week.  For Art History we had to give a 5 minute presentation on our time period, final project and progress.  I kinda went overboard and put together a 4:30 minute video of ripped footage from CBS, Assasins creed and stain glass reference and finished it off with the above animation (click it to start the animation).  The render for this took waaaaay too long. It was around 900 frames and each frame took about 45 seconds to render :p I got it started then realized I should have probably down rezed the image or something to speed up the renders but I just left it in the end.  I have all my materials ready to put this together, I just need to find 2 or 3 hours to cut it all out.

Caved in and bought a big a** fan for my desk it was soooooooo hot!

A great part of an otherwise flat presentation by Insomniac! There were some amazing speakers really inspirational and then there were some very dull or just downright repetitive ones :( I wouldn't have been so bothered but one of the speakers had to skip her Zbrush demo because they ran out of time. You could feel the simultaneous sigh of disappointment from the entire crowd at the point we all heard that.  Still some really cool projects and great information, I mean just check out the beautiful work in the above image! really looking forward to the new Ratchet and Clank game! even if I only get to watch lets plays :p no time to play games!

One of my classmates treated a couple of us to a free screening of Deadpool at Fox studios!! It was an amazing movie and reallllllly cool to see around a little of the lot! I totally reccomend the movie to anyone its so good! I will be seeing it again very shortly! Hopefully I can rally some more Gnomies to go watch it too.

After the movie we went to IHop! A first for me! but wow such good noms! The pancakes were sooooo good! I'm kinda glad there isn't one close to me, I might visit it too frequently :p 

We also had our first Gnomon Birthday this week! Happy Birthday Angela!!
And of course any excuse to make a cake!

Here is the slightly deranged Totoro cake

OK so a pretty long and crazy week this one! Onwards to week 7 getting close to the end now :O still sounds crazy to say!

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