Monday, 29 February 2016

Week 7: OMG!

This has been one heck of a week! and next week marks the week before the penultimate week.... I don't know if there is a name for that but never the less eek!!
So lets start off with figure drawing.

I have hit somewhat of a wall this week.  My progress has plateaued, it may be down to the increased workload for other subjects or maybe the work is actually getting harder but regardless I feel like I am going to struggle to get through this current stage.  I am very much looking forward to the day we actually cover shading....

The Sketchaton is up to its 3rd event yay! We wound up with Pixie, Surgeon and Despair.  Bringing it kinda close to week 1's Angel, Doctor, Envy.  Still we got some really cool submissions everyone is definitely getting better, and that's great to see :D  Kris won this week with the top right Ryuk inspired dark surgeon!

We had two awesome guest speakers this week the first was Neville Page!  He gave a great presentation starting with his childhood of him and his dad making amazing Halloween costumes and ending with a demo of a very cool 3D scan all the way to latex mask demo video.  I had actually seen the final video before at the Zbrush summit last year while I was in the UK getting up super early to watch Gnomon Livestream their events! Still feels so cool to be in the actual room this time!!
Neville's work is amazing! and his background in industrial design means the way he thinks is kinda similar to the way I think! Which is so inspiring to see where that can take you! I hope I can tread a similar path in my future!
Even giving a brief and broad talk he still managed to show a few really helpful techniques and approaches I had never considered before.  As an example sketching directly onto a base sculpt in Zbrush rather than diving straight into the sculpting seems so simple but yet so clever!! I wish I had thought to do that for a couple of my previous projects! I will definitely do it in the future!

Our second speaker of the week was Jesse Sandifer.  His story was soooooo cool to me since he started in Architecture and fell out of love with it so decided to transfer into character design and is now working for Blur!!!!  I was on the edge of my seat for the entire presentation and talked with  him a little afterwards too.  He had some great inspiring things to say and his work speaks for itself! Amazing! 
He has a pretty impressive range too from realistic human, through creature and even into the realms of stylized work too.

OK this may not have been the best use of my time considering this week we all got lumped with double perspective homework, our Viscom Midterm (images to come later in this post) and by Tuesday I have to prove I am at 70% with my Art History project!! But yea lets tick off the Creative Journal for Viscom :p
Still I am really happy that its all done and bound now, phew! I had to leave one page off this post since it was a collab with some other students and I don't know if they want it posted online for all to see but the rest is pretty cool!

This was for the bottom right page... which honestly was an excuse for me to play with Shrinki Paper!! its so fun! I have a few pages left over for key chain nick knacks etc :D
My Copic markers from viscom seem to work pretty well on the page but you have to be very fast or it winds up looking like the streaky mess on the purple cat :p

All ready and waiting to be cooked!

I forgot to take a picture of my Perspective homework before I handed it in this week :p so you will have to wait till I get it back on Thursday to see Roger from American dad lazily hovering in a sofa over Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water.
But for now here are my quick iteration sketches for this weeks assignment.  1 week ago we were told to pick something we think is cool.  I picked balloon animals.  Then we have to pick our chosen things mortal enemy. Obviously a cactus! Then we take these two things and turn them into cars having a drag race!! Hats off to Pastrana that has to be the coolest way to come up with the theme for a project ever!  We actually did the same exercise again this week to determine what our final would be.  We are all designing a temple/church dedicated to our randomly chosen cool thing.  This time I wound up with a temple dedicated to Bunnies!! perfect!
Anyway you can guess now which one I will go ahead with and next week you will see the final product! cool? yea I thought so too.

So this week marked our Viscom Midterm!! We had to take our newly developed knowledge of primitives and jam a few together into a character!  I tried to combine Caitlyn from League of Legends (one of my favorite ADC's) with an angry bunny! I really like the final outcome! it took a little while getting there but I think he looks pretty cool protecting his cupcake!


And finally I managed to get round to doing a little work on my Art History project! honestly its 2:45 right now and I'm planing to get up at 8:00 to cut the rest of this out, sand it off and try gluing it together! I also need to get some OHP paper for my stained glass look..... :*( I am gonna be so grumpy for figure drawing tomorrow at 7:00pm

My dremel tool has been put through the paces these last few days.  I have gone through 3 saw bits and had to charge my battery 4 times :p  I even had to resort to buying a hacksaw to do some of the larger parts.  This better look good when its all done!
Anyway off to bed for my 5 and a bit hours of sleep! yay! Living the dream! (no honestly I totally am! this is so much fun you have no idea!)

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