Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Week 9 sleep: a thing of the past

OK so I am now in week 10! and at the point where I am handing in Finals! though most of my classes moved into week 11 so it is only Digital Painting and Compositing I will be handing in this week.

Week 9 was the craziest week at Gnomon yet.  I have been pulling all nighters sleeping really weird times like from 6pm to 12pm :p just so I can try to get everything done.  I am just about on schedule but it hasn't been easy.

For Intro to Maya I have been working on my final. We had much less time to take this one from concept art to finished piece so I had to pull out all the stops to get it this far this fast :p phew!

I am pretty happy with the look so far, its all modeled UV'd  and unless the materials change the look drastically I think the lighting is there too! :D just texturing left and only one more week to go eek! no time to relax just yet

I finished my compositing final which was waaaaaay more than was required but I just really wanted to have some fun with After Effects and telling a silly story.  The requirement was a 10 second effect shot and I think I wound up with a 3 minute sketch with 8 effects.  A little dumb considering how much work I had for other classes but I don't know if I will ever have a reason to do something like this again so I went for it. I can't upload this one to Youtube because I used unlicensed music, sound effects and grabs from games but I might be able to upload the file for people do download but I just want to reiterate it was a student project solely to improve my skills with AE and I don't own any of the copyrighted material.

Texturing and Shading is coming along.  So far I only have the diffuse texture painted in.  I will be making a few tweaks and then moving onto building the actual shades to make the metal act like metal and the engines glow etc.

Wish I had a little more time to work on this one but here is my final for advanced Digital Painting!  I am amazed with how much progress I have made from last term! and I'm so happy with the level I can take my paintings too now :D there is still so much to learn but for me the next quest will be to try and apply these skills to 3D hand painted textures, when I can find some time to try it out.  I feel a little sad thinking my digital painting classes are over now but going forward I feel I have the knowledge to self check my work and keep improving.

I also got invited to a fashion show, as a plus one for my roommate, for a company she used to work for.  It was a pretty awesome show, there was singing and dancing lots of very well dressed people in the audience too!  I tried my best but I had also had about 3 hours sleep that day so I probably looked a mess :p  

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