Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Week8_Moving onto finals

Uuuugh so tired... OK one more week closer to break but looking at my schedule for the next few weeks it's going to be tough!
Advanced Character design has moved onto kit bashing photo real concept design but here is the final version of my game character.  Since I didn't get any feedback on this last week I just went ahead with the changes I wanted to make anyway and then took it to a more polished look.

My Midterm is shaping up, there is still a lot I would like to do to push it but I have to move onto the final now and maybe come back if I have time to polish and correct the last few issues.  I still have to put this through Photoshop - render out all the passes and composite them, add a vignette and color correction to bring it all together and link it a little closer to the reference... Hope I can find time!

Found a little time to make the last few changes to my first final for Digital painting I now have 1 week to work on the second one! eek! 
The second one is shaping up time to take it to a polished sketch level then work on lighting and rendering.

Lastly for compositing I spent a couple of hours at a friends awesome new apartment shooting for my final.  I pieced the rough draft together last night and it seems to hold up.  There are a lot of effects shots mostly involving tracking and masking plus my camera's mic is pretty bad so I will have to record some nice audio later too.  I don't know how I will be able to show this one, I might upload it to YouTube but that does limit the choice of music I can use... anyway back to class!

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