Ugh the past couple of weeks have been tough :*( Not only have we seen another heat wave making the 40 minute walk to school really uncomfortable but I've been having the worst luck with Maya and Vray.
One tiny crash while working on a rivet?!?! super simple no idea why it crashed lead to one of my mirror nodes being corrupted and I lost all the work I did re-topologising this guy's head. It messed up the geometry on the head with a bunch of weird bevels and extrusions and the little green fragments are what was left of his chin... sigh.
But I did manage to get the work redone in about half the time it took me for the original yay! A few of the pieces are really coming together now :) Though we do have a review in about 4 days from me writing this and I need this guy much more developed for that! wish me luck.
My second major error was the stupid Vray licensing system. Unlike almost every other software out there Vray only gives you a license to use their renderer through a ridiculously convoluted method of usb dongles, online authentication and large documents of installation guides. I spent about 3 hours trying everything under the sun to get my Vray to work but to no avail. I sent the main guys an email and added a ticket to their online help but its been a 4 days now and I have had no response. So they just lost a customer, I am tired of having to put up with this just because they are afraid of loosing a few sales to software pirates. When my subscription expires in the next few months I am going to learn Arnold (the render that ships with Maya now) and frankly I advise everyone else to do the same if they don't want to put up with this awful licensing system. Sorry about the rant I just lost so much time and energy dealing with this and I needed to vent.
So back at school the Vray system works fine :) I got my sculpted rocks and environment detail from Zbrush into Maya and now I am working on adding the vast amount of vines, rocks and crystals using MASH.
For game design over the last two weeks I blocked in and then developed my Keyshot showing a moment of gameplay as a sales pitch. It has been tricky to find the time to really work on this but I think its up to an OK level even if its not my best 2D work :p
Next week I will be working on fixing up the placeholder UI.
My Scripting final is going well. We learned a rather messy complicated way to build UI and then a week later a much simpler and user friendly one. I now have my final UI working and building itself so I just need to add the shader creation functionality to it and I should be done :D Though saying that getting the script to function will take some serious thought and planning. There is another function I want to add based on the idea of the user accidentally closing down the UI before they are done but I'm not sure I can pull it off. We will see.
Unfortunately due to the mountain of work that is needed for Visual Structure I have put my Zbrush project on hold. I guess I figured this could happen but I think I need to focus on one project this term to really get a decent result. There will always be time to work on Brenin. Maybe next term when I have another 5 class term.