Saturday 18 July 2015

WIP Jeep

Ok :) so here are a couple of Work In Progress (WIP) pics for my recent project.  I started this one waaaaaaay back before I started my Gnomon online courses.  It was a little crazy going back to it having spend a few months studying at Gnomon but the difference in skill level really hit me as I was able to very quickly fix all the issues that were slowing me down before and race ahead.  So I will be UV'ing and texturing this piece for my showreel in the future but for now I will be starting my next portfolio project a game prop.

Friday 3 July 2015

Here I go!

OK so I finished my last online course at Gnomon and now it's time to bite the bullet and start putting together my portfolio!
I got some great advice from Devon during my last class and now that Jen has moved to LA to study at Gnomon I will be working flat out to finish my current projects and build an awesome showreel!! :D
I saw some amazing work displayed in the Autodesk CG Student awards and that has totally inspired me to really pick up my game and work on something amazing!
Wish me luck, here I go!